
  • Е. В. Билык
  • А. Г. Литвинов


energy efficiency, led lighting devices, the safety factor.


In article is considered the development of luminance systems with the utilization of LED light devices. Is led the comparison of the basic behaviors of illuminants and the systems of illumination. Is described the role of safety factor in luminance systems. It is today, in Ukraine, expenditures on illumination compile beside 20% from the general consumptions of the demand of electricity in budget sphere. Such appreciable consumptions, connected with the utilization of the out-dated sources of illumination. The acceptance of bill «О entering of changeovers in some stature of the Ukraine (relatively of boost energy efficiency in illumination) » will contribute the decline of expenditures on illumination in budget sphere almost on 80% due to the infusion of the compulsory utilization of energy efficiency illuminants.
Whereat follows to take into account that fact which novel effective illuminants and the systems of illumination on their host material require a few other approaches to kilo- their examination, compared with traditional. Fairly frequently can be heard astonished question which novel (LED) the system of illumination do not give expected outcome as to those factors. For these aims and are led NTR, as a result which appear not only novel illuminants and systems on their host material but also the novel procedures of their calculation, plottings, infusions and estimation of efficiencies implanted afterwards in novel DSTU or DBN. One of outcomes led in the context of state desired routine, in cycle 2009-2014 y.y., on current derived average is novel editorial office DBN V.2.5-28: 20ХХ the large-scale built-in-test of changeovers and the complements of touched emitting diodes and the systems of illumination on their host material.
Aside from the infusion of self system were mastered routines and the procedures of monitoring of light space and the demands of electricity. Have been developed of and tested the automatic system of capture in rooms, where was led upgrading. Also for the efficiency detection was led monitoring of illumination and the demands of the electricity of luminance systems.
The efficiency calculation of implanted LED techniques was led as to economical factors, so and as to the analysis of the qualitative behaviors of the light medium of the rooms of university. As a result finding in arranging of operational testing of the system of illumination designers came to the conclusion about the necessity of the revision of actuated normative base applied in development, to estimation of efficiency, and the assemblage of novel luminance systems on basis of the LED illuminants.



How to Cite

Билык, Е. В., & Литвинов, А. Г. (2016). ENERGY EFFICIENCY USE OF LED LIGHTING DEVICES IN UNIVERSITIES. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, (1), 34–38. Retrieved from


