
  • V. A. Andriychuk
  • Y. O. Filyuk


solar cells, ultracapacitors, supercapacitor, lighting installation, the controller charge / discharge, self-discharge supercapacitors.


Outdoor lighting installation with ДСУ05У lighting devices and self-contained power supply consisting of ALM-50M solar cell panel and Green-cap supercapacitor battery were considered. Measuring techniques of solar cell lights and dark current-voltage characteristics were described and parameters for maximum consumer power, output factor of current-voltage characteristics, reverse saturation current of solar cell p-n junction, internal resistance and battery capacity of supercapacitors were determined. Experimental research on supercapacitor self-discharge processes and impact on its duration in constant electric field was conducted. The self-discharge process is caused by charge redistribution between the inner layers of a supercapacitor.
Supercapacitor charge/discharge automatic control system and self-adjustment of lighting installation based on SDN–40Wcontroller with pulse-width modulation was proposed. To sustain natural electric parameters followed by multiple charge/discharge cycles and to avoid supercapacitor overcharge a voltage balancing system within every single battery element was employed.
ДСУ05У-25-1-325 LED device was selected for outdoor lighting, which is used for illumination of roads, highways, areas of different types and can be operated at -40 to +40°С temperature extremes.


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How to Cite

Andriychuk, V. A., & Filyuk, Y. O. (2017). SELF-CONTAINED POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM OF OUTDOOR LIGHTING. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, (1), 17–22. Retrieved from


