multi-tariff, accounting, electricity, payback, counter, energy saving.Abstract
It has been established that applying a single-rate counter the consumer has not any motivation on when and what consumers of electric energy to turn overnight. In the case of multi-tariff counter, when the night is an opportunity to save money, there is some motivation. For user is enough to change the order of the day and he will get real savings to cover the cost for electricity. Thus, not only subscribers will pay less for electricity consumed at night, but also, they will contribute to leveling the load on the energy system. The application of multi-accounting in enterprises fully justified only if the technological process of manufacturing production is only at night. These bakeries, dry cleaning, laundry and more. Other companies are forced to adapt to our biological rhythms and cannot shift their power at night. In domestic use, multi-accounting has more nuances. It has been established that for the urban population the best is multiple-tariff accounting of electric energy in which exclude the possibility to pay for consumed electricity bigger than by using single tariff counters. But the economic effect of using multiple-tariff accounting of electric energy not everyone will feel the same way. The greater the volume of consumption and the most of them will be in the period between 23:00 and 07:00, the greater will be the benefit to the consumer. There has been proposed an analytical expression for determining the percentage of saving financial resources from the portion of electricity consumption at the night time periods by using multi-tariff accounting.
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