Improving the efficiency of managing the modes of distributive networks by automated monitoring the parameters of the mode and the environment in real time


  • Olexsiy Iegorov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Nikolai Cheremisin Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture
  • Oleksandr Savchenko Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture
  • Stanislav Diubko Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture


electric networks, monitoring system, meteorological parameters, ice deposits, short circuits.


The paper deals with monitoring of overhead lines in areas with intensive deposition of ice. The need is stressed to employ environmental parameters that significantly affect the short-term forecast of electricity consumption, the energy loss in grid elements, icing accretion on power lines (PL) and their prediction. It is described in short the main tasks that are solved by the automated monitoring system. It is proposed to improve the existing monitoring systems for PL by adding indicators to the system that determine the meteorological parameters. It is shown that the monitoring of overhead lines, taking into account real-time monitoring of meteorological data, will improve the efficiency of managing the operating modes of electric networks.


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How to Cite

Iegorov, O. ., Cheremisin, N. ., Savchenko, O. ., & Diubko, S. . (2019). Improving the efficiency of managing the modes of distributive networks by automated monitoring the parameters of the mode and the environment in real time. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 1(54), 3–8. Retrieved from