Planning of maintenance of power transformers on the results of control of their frequency characteristics


  • M. Hryshchuk Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • O. Rubanenko Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • O. Rubanenko Vinnitsa National Technical University


diagnosis, technical state, power transformer, frequency-amplitude characteristics, deviation, FRA, windings, magnetic circuit, planning the day of diagnosis, forecasting


On the basis of the analysis of literature sources it is shown that in the power system the power transformers (PT) -  is a costly and responsible type of electrical equipment. The method of the analysis of the frequency-amplitude characteristics (AFC) is considered. The AFC method is using the results of measurements of the amplitude values of the test signal response voltage and the test signal voltage. It determines the test signal transmission coefficient at different frequencies allows us to detect the deviation of this coefficient from its normalized values at the special value of frequencies. This value of frequency permit to identify damage that allows us to substantiate the technical condition of the transformer and elements. The least-squares method, the Gauss-Markov theorem and the covariance matrix were used to statistically estimate the parameters of the regression model obtained from the measurement results. The determined regression equation provides the smallest value of the sum of squares of the deviations of the measurement results from the calculated by the regression equation. On the example of one amplitude-frequency characteristic of the investigated PT by the location, an algorithm for determining the recommended time and date for the subsequent measurements of AFC is proposed, in order to reduce the risk of emergency mode and reduce the cost of operation of the PT by increasing the number of highly informative measurements.

A limit of 5 percent deviation is also determined at the frequency information interval, to further determine the probable intersection of the graphs at certain points, such a limit, in order to predict the probable damage of the windings.


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How to Cite

Hryshchuk, M., Rubanenko, O., & Rubanenko , O. (2020). Planning of maintenance of power transformers on the results of control of their frequency characteristics. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 3(56), 92–98. Retrieved from