Principles and methods of calculating hybrid contactors of direct current, controlled by an electric drive current


  • A. Soskov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Ya Forkun O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • O. Iegorov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Yu Kolontaevsky O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


hybrid contactor, direct current, main contacts, power semiconductor key, current control, electromagnetic drive.


It has been shown that the principle of controlling the current of an electromagnetic drive of a hybrid contactor of direct current is realized by introducing a special control electric circuit in parallel with a drive coil by means of turning on a power SK (semiconductor key), which contains a condenser, setting the time and controlled low-power transistor key, in an output circuit of which a low-power optron thyristor is included, moreover, an auxiliary transistor key, providing the current discharge with the help of additional secondary electric winding when commutation current flows from the circuit of the main contactors to the circuit of a power semiconductor key,  is turned on in parallel to the mentioned condenser.

The peculiarities of the processes of charging and discharging of a condenser, which sets the time, in different operating conditions of a contactor, have been determined. Whereby, it has been found out that for providing reliable circuits commutation it is necessary that a condenser charging time, setting the time up to the level of voltage, providing turn-on of a low-powered optron thyristor when a contactor is turned on, shouldn’t exceed the value of minimum time of its turn-on and the time of the condenser discharge when turned off shouldn’t be lower than the minimum time of a contactor turn-off.  It allows to determine the parameters of the elements, providing reliable commutation of a contactor.

As a result of the research it has been shown that the proposed hybrid contactors due to the introduction of electromagnetic drive current control and new connections as compared with the existing ones, possess the properties increasing their competitiveness. They also have increased operation reliability, reduced dimensions and cost, their production and technological indices are improved and the sphere of their application is broadened.

The possibility of creating competitive reliable hybrid contactors of direct current on the currents 100-630 A and voltage up to 1000 V, which function in hard maintenance conditions, is considered to be an applied aspect of putting into practice the research results obtained.


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How to Cite

Soskov, A., Forkun, Y., Iegorov, O., & Kolontaevsky, Y. (2020). Principles and methods of calculating hybrid contactors of direct current, controlled by an electric drive current. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 3(56), 112–119. Retrieved from