Smart Grid Integration for Sustainable City Energy Management: A Paradigm Shift in Power Distribution Networks
Smart Grid, Sustainable energy management, Power distribution networks, Paradigm shift, Integration, Reliability, Efficiency, Wind power plantsAbstract
This study focuses on the investigation of collective intelligent systems in the context of energy management in modern distribution networks. The main objective of the research is to explore the potential of utilizing collective intelligent systems for achieving sustainable and efficient energy management in cities.
The study describes the concept of collective intelligent systems and their role in distribution networks. The research findings emphasize the importance of employing such systems for achieving optimal resource allocation, enhancing energy consump-tion efficiency, and promoting sustainable urban development.
A novel approach to smart energy management based on collective intelligent systems is discussed in the study. The results of the research demonstrate the ad-vantages of this approach, including more accurate and efficient energy management, reduction of losses, and improvement of network stability.
This work summarizes the significant research outcomes of collective intelligent systems in the context of energy management. It enhances understanding of the pos-sibilities and benefits of utilizing such systems in distribution networks and encour-ages further research for advancing energy management in cities.
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