The Decision-Making Method in the Management of Engineering Infrastructure Reconstruction Programs Using an Adaptive Decision Support Model


  • Illia Khudiakov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



adaptive management, decision support, program management, engineering infrastructure


The article is devoted to the development of a decision-making method in the development and management of the architecture of engineering infrastructure reconstruction programs and the development of a hierarchical structure of works for such programs. Implementation of relevant processes occurs when using methods of modeling the system-object of reconstruction and forecasting the values of the target function using an adaptive model of decision-making support. The work investigates the direct and indirect influence of the use of the model on the groups of processes of developing and managing the architecture of the program, developing the hierarchical structure of work, the schedule of the program, as well as determining and budgeting costs. The main limitations of engineering infrastructure reconstruction programs have been determined. Five stages of implementation of the decision-making method in the development of the program architecture have been developed, which include data collection regarding the system-object of reconstruction and determination of program limitations, determination of the target state of the system in accordance with existing limitations, selection of alternative sets of equipment to be installed on the objects systems, their comparative analysis, the selection of such a set that corresponds to the smallest value of the target function and the implementation of managerial influence. The main reasons for making changes to the program architecture are also defined, the stages of implementation of the decision-making method in managing the program architecture are developed.

Author Biography

Illia Khudiakov, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Khudiakov, I. (2023). The Decision-Making Method in the Management of Engineering Infrastructure Reconstruction Programs Using an Adaptive Decision Support Model. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 62(2), 37–43.