Stable power supply for electronic control and control systems


  • V. Roy O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • V. Grinina O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


stabilized source, power factor corrector, inverter bridge circuit, output voltage sensor, galvanic coupling, electromagnetic compatibility, microprocessor control and control systems, energy efficiency


To date, several hundred districts of electric grids exist in Ukraine and operate and use 0.38 ÷ 110 kV distribution networks. In order to increase the reliability and efficiency of their operation, economy and quality of power supply to consumers, in recent years intensive introduction of telemechanics and computer systems has been underway to create integrated automated control and control systems at all hierarchical levels of construction of these systems. The main purpose of telemechanization of electrical complexes is to provide the possibility of remote measurement of operating parameters of electrical equipment and remote control of the modes of their operation. Equipment operating data shall be transmitted to the control station by means of discrete television signals or analog signals indicating the values of voltage, current and power at the substation buses. Devices for collecting and transmitting signals to the control station, as well as transmitting commands for operating modes of equipment, must meet the high requirements of reliability, reliability, service life, cybersecurity and electromagnetic compatibility. An important area of development of automated systems is the integration of automated control and management of individual structural units of district electrical networks into a single integrated system. This problem can be successfully solved only through the use of standardized solutions for the information, technical and software automated control system of the enterprises of the electrical networks. The main directions of realization of these tasks are construction and rational use of the hierarchical system of models of planning, repair and operation of electric networks and operations - out-of-control of their modes, increase of efficiency of operative-dispatching control of distribution electric networks, automation of collecting, processing and clear display of the received information. re-modes of equipment operation. These scientific and technical requirements concerning the problems of creation of multilevel modern automated control systems of the enterprises of the electric power industry are based on the branch-methods and materials, the state standards, taking into account the modern achievements of the national and foreign science and technology in the field of the power industry. Realization of this direction will allow to provide development and introduction of new equipment, optimization of technological processes and modes of operation of electric power equipment and electric networks, rational use of materials and increase of efficiency of production and economic activity. An important factor in ensuring the above requirements of reliability, reliability and electromagnetic compatibility of all automated control and control systems, unconditional compatibility with the supply network, is the use of high-quality efficient power sources for numerous electronic devices of the automated system.

A universal power supply with power factor correction is proposed, which is suitable as an effective secondary power source for electronic systems of various purposes with stabilized voltage of different magnitude and sign, which provides high reliability and quality of their work, as well as electromagnetic compatibility with the power network. This is achieved by the application of the power factor corrector in the power source circuit, which, unlike the "passive" correctors, is widely used in low-cost power sources of electronic equipment and is based on phase offset compensation between current and voltage of the capacitive and inductive network. The elements are much more efficient and provide high power factor values of up to 0.98, as well as high quality and efficient use of electricity. Output voltage stabilization of the power source is made by comparing the signal from the output-to-elastic sensor with the signal of the reference voltage sensor and, after amplifying the unbalance signal, regulates the moment of switching on or off the electronic keys of the inverter bridge circuit until the voltage is reached. the value of nominal value.

Due to the use in the circuit of the bridge inverter and output transformer, the increase of the effective power of the power supply is almost doubled in comparison with analogues, as well as the possibility to obtain output voltages of different magnitude and sign. There is no galvanic connection of the output operating voltages to the power supply, which guarantees complete safety of personnel while operating this unit and also provides electromagnetic compatibility with the power supply network.


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How to Cite

Roy, V., & Grinina, V. (2019). Stable power supply for electronic control and control systems. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 3(53), 87–90. Retrieved from