Analysis of the application of methods for evaluation of technical state of distribution networks


  • I. Trunova Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
  • O. Miroshnyk Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
  • V. Pazy Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture


analysis of technical condition; distribution networks; fixing defects


The article deals with the issues of practical application of the technique of estimation of the technical state of distribution networks with voltage 0,38-20 kV with overhead transmission lines. It is based on the fixing by the operating personnel of defects in the equipment of distribution network objects (overhead lines and transformer substations). However, not all defects from the recommended list for fixing the list are listed always, but only those that require immediate removal. Accordingly, there is a need to determine how much this may affect the result of further analysis of the technical state of distribution networks.

Since the calculations of the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the technical state of distribution networks are based on the processing of a large body of power equipment inspection data and are quite time-consuming, it requires the use of computer technologies. Therefore, block diagrams of the algorithms of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the technical state of the objects of distribution networks (overhead transmission lines and transformer substations) were developed. Using the flowcharts of the calculation algorithms, computer programs for estimating the technical state of distribution networks 0.38-20 kV with overhead transmission lines have been developed. They made it possible to analyze possible errors in the calculations for different variants of operations of the operating personnel.

Research results have been obtained that conclude that the actions of the operating personnel in the process of creating an array of data on defects in the equipment of distribution network facilities are a significant factor in influencing the final result of the analysis of the technical state of the distribution networks.


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How to Cite

Trunova, I., Miroshnyk, O., & Pazy, V. (2020). Analysis of the application of methods for evaluation of technical state of distribution networks. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 2(52), 54–58. Retrieved from