The technique of calculating the profile of a mirror reflector for discharge lamps of cylindrical shape and its testing on the example of design of an industrial lamp type ZhSP-250


  • Ye. Lobanov O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • G. Petchenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


industrial luminaires, DNaT discharge lamps, reflector LPC (Light Power Curve) required, zone LPCs of the reflector, radius vector array, luminaire gain and efficiency, elemental reflection method, reflector profile, rotary extrusion method.


Current scientific trends are developments -methodological, theoretical and experimental, related to increasing the efficiency of some categories of lamps with discharge lamps. One such category is the powerful industrial spotlight class luminaires. This work is aimed at solving the urgent scientific task of finding ways to improve the design efficiency of industrial luminaires with deep and concentrated light distribution. At present, there are practically no works related to the task of calculating the geometry of the
profiles of mirrored round-symmetric reflectors, which, in the presence of a light source of a fixed type and power, would provide the necessary light distribution of the luminaires. The elemental reflection method described in classical works does not determine the geometry of the reflector correctly, which provides the necessary balance in the equation that relates the light power of the lamp to the light power of the source and the reflector. The considerable time of calculation by the classical method and obtaining inaccurate decisions leads to rethinking the solution of the problem of calculating the geometry of the the reflector profile of the lamp with rigidly regulated light distribution. This task was first formulated by us in previous works. The purpose of this work is to approve the technique of solving the inverse problem of determining the geometry of a round-symmetric mirror reflector on the example of an industrial lamp type ZhKU-250 with light distribution type G-2. As the output of the calculation we used the light source and technical characteristics of the light source - DNAT-250 lamps, the required light distribution of the light fixture, the reflectance of the reflector, and the requirements for the efficiency of the designed luminaire and its gain. As a result of the performed work, it is possible to note the efficiency of the method both in terms of the accuracy of the calculations and the simple geometry of the reflector, obtained in the calculation method,
which will allow to use simplified technological schemes for the serial production of such lamps.

Author Biography

G. Petchenko, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

професор, доктор фізико-математичних наук


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How to Cite

Lobanov, Y., & Petchenko, G. (2020). The technique of calculating the profile of a mirror reflector for discharge lamps of cylindrical shape and its testing on the example of design of an industrial lamp type ZhSP-250. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 1(57), 22–27. Retrieved from