Methodology for the assessment of the operation reliability of pulling electric machines of city electric transport
system analysis, system, operational reliability, information uncertainty, efficient operation and maintenance of electrical machines, criteria, goal tree.Abstract
One of the most commonly used means of the city’s electric traffic system is trolleybus that has a lot of advantages in comparison with fixed-route taxis, buses and trams. During trolleybuses operation, the most electric and mechanical load has an effect on the traction electric engines, on which the further effective operation of a trolleybus on a transfer line depends.
Statistic data concerning the trolleybuses operations in Ukraine prove that reliability of traction electric engines has been reduced for subjective and objective reasons over the past 10-15 years. New developments and the use of technologies are therefore needed for more effective use of the known technical equipment, its modernization, reliability improvement and extending the service life.
To determine the effectiveness of trolleybus operation on the route, the modern methods of reliability assessment of the traction electric engines are used, which allow to get adequate characteristics of the structure, functional links of parts and units.
But some methods don’t meet the necessary requirements to ensure the reliability of traction electric engines operation. So the subject and the tasks of the research work are still relevant today. New solutions of characterization the reliability of traction electric engines guarantee reducing energy and resource consumption during operation, repair and production.
A methodology is presented that allows assessing the operational reliability of electrical machines from the point of view of system analysis. Uncertainty of information data arising during the operation of electrical machines is considered.
The decomposition of the goal for the efficient operation and maintenance of electrical machines has been carried out, which is reflected in the form of a "goal tree". The results obtained can be used as initial data for the formulation and solution of a number of problems of control over the operational reliability of electrical machines.
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