Efficiency of use of electromechanical shock absorber in metro trailers


  • N. Lukashova O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • T. Pavlenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • B. Lubarski O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


chassis, electromechanical shock absorber, rail transport, oscillation dampers, pneumatic springs, efficiency


The analysis of technical solutions is carried out in the work and the features of the work of shock absorbers of the suspension suspension of carts of the undercarriage of subway cars are considered. The choice of design of electromechanical shock absorber based on the principle of action and geometric ratio of parameters is substantiated. Using optimization problems and set constraints, we have found ways and methods of solution that help to determine the optimal electromechanical parameters of the electromechanical shock absorber. The optimization tasks under consideration are multi-criteria. Two equivalent criteria were chosen as their solution: the given volume of materials, and the efficiency of the electromechanical shock absorber. For tasks of this type, the parameters were combined and a common criterion was set. In determining the methods of parameter optimization, genetic algorithms were used to determine the operators of the optimization procedure containing both deterministic and stochastic components. This enhances the search process when it fades into the local minima of the target function relief.

Determination of the efficiency of the electromechanical shock absorber depends on the indicators of dynamic qualities for subway cars: smooth traffic, maximum acceleration, suspension coefficients. To determine such parameters, we use methods of modeling the suspension suspension, taking into account the random inequality of the rails. The parameters were considered in the Gaussian stationary, centered, random distribution processes. One of the main characteristics is the spectral density, which is obtained when processing the results of dynamic tests of the subway car model 81.717. Using simulation processes

the results of the modes of operation of the electromechanical shock absorber are obtained and the influence of vibrations during its operation is determined. Compared to the design of the hydraulic shock absorber, the oscillation amplitude of the armature stroke and its velocity decreased from 13 to 85% in the first three periods, which indicates a greater efficiency of the electromechanical shock absorber.

As a result of solving optimization problems, the optimal parameters of the electromechanical shock absorber were obtained and the efficiency of its operation in the suspension system was determined due to the parameters of smooth running and dynamic processes during the operation of the subway car


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How to Cite

Lukashova, N., Pavlenko, T., & Lubarski, B. (2019). Efficiency of use of electromechanical shock absorber in metro trailers. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 3(53), 96–104. Retrieved from https://lepe.kname.edu.ua/index.php/lepe/article/view/402