
  • V. Zhylakov
  • A. Shapovalov


металлические опоры, обследование, надежность эксплуатации, контактная сеть городского электрического транспорта


The objective of the study was to determine the bearing capacity and deformation of metal bent octagonal hollow supports of external lighting with the aim of establishing the possibility of suspension to them contact trolleybus network, preserving the intended purpose of these supports is the provision of external lighting of streets.
The bearing load of the lighting network are:
– own weight of the support;
– the mass of the fixtures and fastenings;
– wind load bearing capacity and light, which is determined by the current state [4].
When you use lighting columns for mounting the contact network adds the following load:
– vertical from its own weight plot of the contact network (between the supports) and it mounts to the support.
The calculation of the bearing capacity of the supports were performed on the simultaneous action of all these design loads.
The tilting of the top supports is determined from the action of standard (characteristic) loads.
The calculations used numerical method with the analysis of the obtained results and formulation of conclusions. To obtain data on the bearing capacity of the investigated supports was used the software package "Lira SAPR".
Lighting columns with ACM-12 and ACM-18 can be used as a support of a contact network only under the condition that certain restrictions on the magnitude of the horizontal load on the bearings and their application.
These delineation are shown in table 1 and graphs (Fig. 4 and Fig.5).
Compliance with these restrictions and requirements provides the strength and stiffness of the supports.
This study only covers the possibility of establishing the use of proper lighting standards for simultaneous suspension to him of lamps and elements of the contact network of city electric transport. For the final decision on the possibility of using the supports ACM-12 and ACM-18 (or similar) for attachment thereto of a contact network of city electric transport – in each case it is necessary to perform the following calculations:
– to clarify the bearing capacity of subgrade of footings;
– strength of anchor bolts attaching the supports to the foundation;
– stability of footings against tipping, what is the direction of future research.
These materials may be used in the development of design and estimate construction documents for the reconstruction of the contact network of trolleybuses and trams, and the algorithm can be applied when determining the possibility of fastening a contact network of city electric transport to other types of lighting columns.


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How to Cite

Zhylakov, V., & Shapovalov, A. (2017). APPLICATION OF SUPPORTS OF ILLUMINATION FOR FASTENING OF PIN NETWORK OF PUBLIC ELECTRIC TRANSPORT. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, (1), 11–16. Retrieved from


